When faced with forced ideologies or assaults to freedom of thought on campus, what can one do? Where to begin? Getting through the labyrinth of administrators, faculty, diversity officers, bias response teams, trustees and legislative bodies that are supposed to be the guardians of academic freedom is daunting. Ask anyone who has tried. Yet, this academic monolith gate keeps what programs get approved and funded.
However, these trustees, administrators and legislators work for you! Alumni, donors, parents, students and taxpayers who write the checks and pay the full cost of higher education must recognize that they have the power, hold all the cards, It’s your money! This is the most effective lever that the public has to induce change.
Whereas cancel culture produces anger, aggrievement and pessimism; for a nation to thrive, universities must turn out optimistic, innovative, problem solvers who graduate ready to think on their feet and contribute to society.
Alumni and Donors Unite exists to address this currently unmet need— showing individuals and groups how to use their mighty leverage to restore academic freedom. No one need be intimidated by the fortress surrounding academia. You paid for it—insist on a proper ROI. We break down the barriers. We show the “way in”.
Alumni and Donors Unite is a hub, the central repository for the many ways alumni, donors and lovers of freedom can be drivers of change on campus. We provide the “playbooks”--information, contacts to like-minded individuals, resources, proven practices and assistance where support is needed — for large donors to individual citizens— who want to support, or participate as activist ambassadors, in counterbalancing threats to free-speech, and policies or legislation that stifle open debate and freedom of thought on campus.
We raise awareness and open the eyes of alumni, donors, parents, students, taxpayers—many of whom have little idea of the degree and depth of the corruption at their alma maters and within academia writ large. It is not hyperbole to say the schools we attended no longer exist. Scan through: The College Fix, Campus Reform, Minding the Campus to see the breadth and depth of the onslaught.
While many colleges and universities confront similar, broad issues that restrict academic freedom, they also face challenges unique to their schools, which require individually tailored action plans.
While the assaults on academic freedom are legion and fierce, ADU has identified “green shoots” of successful restoration across the country—where donors’ money has been clawed back and redeployed elsewhere, free speech is again tolerated, legislative overreach has been rebuffed, cancelled professors have been reinstated, and “safe spaces” are being removed.
We build on these successes and offer not just hope, but proof that victory is possible. We amass, victories, reclaimed turf, gain traction and momentum, attracting and empowering more to join the effort.
We proactively seek out such “wins” for freedom, understand the mechanics of how/why it worked and have assembled an ever-expanding dossier of “proven practices” to hone, improve, amplify and share/export to any other school when issues come up. We share the pathway.
When new affronts to freedom arise, we work within our network to create new solutions and action plans.
We also connect the bold leaders of winning campaigns to others who are looking for support for their own activist efforts. No need start from scratch.
We hone successful freedom reclamation models, export them where they can be effective, and scale—widely sowing the seeds of a movement, to restore academic freedom in higher education.
You don’t need to go it alone. We will show you how it can be done, and support you in your efforts to take back your campus--and built infrastructure to maintain the changes.